The Take Him With You Podcast

Thanks for visiting Take Him With You!  I’m Rick Moyer, and this is your notes for the week of Feb. 1st, 2009.

This blog is scrollable!  In other words, check the little scroll bar to your right and keep reading all the way to the bottom, I would love to hear your comments!  Plus you have to see me with my pet chicken Clarence!

During this podcast I talk about several things.  First of all it was my kids birthdays this week, so we talked about Nathan turning 19 and the cool waiter at Sizzler.

Catherine also celebrated her birthday.  She turned 13.  We had a great time.  Her cake was of course.. shoes.  She loves shoes, as you hear in the podcast.  Here was the cake her mother and her made.

We talked about Battlestar Galactica.. wow, crazy stuff right now going on.  Not reccomended to the little ones, but quite an impacting drama unfolding as the last episodes of the series wind up.


This week we are in Romans Chapter 5 verse 5 through 8.

This is from the message Bible

we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!

6Christ arrives right on time to make this happen. He didn’t, and doesn’t, wait for us to get ready. He presented himself for this sacrificial death when we were far too weak and rebellious to do anything to get ourselves ready. And even if we hadn’t been so weak, we wouldn’t have known what to do anyway. 7We can understand someone dying for a person worth dying for, and we can understand how someone good and noble could inspire us to selfless sacrifice. 8But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him.


This week I talk about the concept of “ARE WE THE PRODUCT OF OUR ENVIROMENT?”

I share some stories of growing up on the farm out East Hoquiam Road.  I talk a lot about the influence of my family.  Of course this is all from my perspective, I’m sure I had certain ways of looking at it that were intense.  I was just a kid!  My mom and dad were are very cool people, and I am grateful for the way they raised us kids.  Oh, and they have already listned, so I’m not in too much trouble.  🙂  Mom was kind enough to scan some growing up pictures for me.  You get to see them.

Here is a picture of me with “Bully” one of our cows.

Me with my cow Bully

Me with my cow "Bully"

My dad and I on a tractor, circa 1970 or so.

Dad and I on the tractor around 1970

Dad and I on the tractor around 1970

We talked about our belief system and how it’s a lot like having glasses on.  What we believe is written on how we see, and perceive things.  I share a story about the nasty dogs in our neighborhood when I walked to AJ West.  They really scared me, so I assumed all dogs were mean.  That is until we moved to the country and got Shannon.  He met me after school with his lips all up and teeth bared.  I thought he wanted to bite me, but really he was smiling!   I had to change my belief that all dogs were mean.  When I did that, he became a wonderful pet.   Here is a picture of the kind soul.

Shannon the cool Collie dog I grew up with.

Shannon the cool Collie dog I grew up with.

Ok one last picture.

Here are some bullet points from the cast- well after one last pic:

Me and Clarence.  What a chicken!

Me and Clarence. What a chicken! He was so cool, and ultimately tasted great in chicken and dumplings. 🙂


  • It is possible to clean your glasses. Our sense of reality can change when confronted with truth.
  • As human beings I think it is important that we research why we believe what we do. A little soul searching never hurt anyone.

  • We have the power of choice and information.

  • God gave us a free will.


    Are we a product of our environment? Or do we have a choice?

Next week:  Sneaking to Church-  I’ll have my electric guitar with me and play some of the songs I learned as a teenager, like AC/DC, Ted Nugent, The Doobie Brothers and more.  It will be fun.  You might even enjoy the time I played my record albums backwards and ruined the needle on my Sound Design stereo.

Here are some discussion questions if anyone wants to comment:

What type of things have you changed your belief on since you were a kid?

Are you close to your family and have they influenced your belief system?

What positive things did you get from your folks?

Thanks for listening this week.  I’ll be back mid week with a special five minute Take Him With You booster cast.  Stay tuned.  Oh, and if you have any prayer requests, don’t hesitate to click on contact and email me.

A big special thanks to my friend Jerry for all his work on the website.

BLESS YOU!  Don’t forget to Take Him With You!





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